organizational learning culture and utilization of evaluation results by international development agencies a case study of heifer international


The study examined the relationship between organizational learning culture and utilization of evaluation results in international development agencies taking Heifer International Uganda as a case study. The study interrogated organizational learning culture in terms of senior leadership support, staff capacity and structural support system with an interest of finding out how each of these influences utilization of evaluation results at Heifer International Uganda. In an effort to answer the research questions, a cross-sectional survey design was used and a sample of 51 respondents was considered to respond to the questionnaires and interviews that were supported with 10 key informant interviews and documentary analysis. The empirical analysis of data followed non-parametric procedures using SPSS 22.0. The results indicated that, senior leadership have a positive significant relationship with utilization of evaluation results having r = 0.877 and p = 0.000 thus suggesting that there was a positive significant relationship between the two variables. The staff capacity had a strong, positive correlation with utilization of evaluation results, which was statistically significant (r = 0.765, p = .000). There was a weak, positive and statistically insignificant correlation between structural support systems and utilization of evaluation results with r = 0.486 and p= .000 These results means that the dimensions vary in importance when explaining their interaction with each other. Consequently, the researcher recommends strengthening of the evaluation unit so that it can coordinate all evaluations and be charged with the follow up of utilization of the results. In addition, the policy that guide the mandate of the senior leadership team at country office need to be reviewed to suit the best practices of corporate governance and also eliminate the current bureaucratic tendencies that sometimes cause delayed strategic decision making.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2017

Institution: uganda technology and management university (utamu)

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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