
The study aimed at designing guidelines for marketing of library services at Immaculate Heart Girl’s School (IHGS) Library. The objectives of the study were; The objectives of the study were; to establish the status of marketing library services at the IHGS Library, to find out how marketing of library services at the IHGS Library is managed, to identify the challenges of marketing Library services at the IHGS Library, and to design a guidelines for marketing of library services at the IHGS Library. The study adopted a case study since it is appropriate when investigating a particular community or institution. Primary data was collected using questionnaires, interview and observation methods. The questionnaires, interview guides, and the observation guides were used in data collection necessary in designing guidelines for marketing of library services at IHGS Library. The findings of the study revealed that the library offers a wide range of library services which include; current awareness services, orientation of the library users, reference services, user education, book loan services, reading space, scanning services and many others. The findings also revealed that IHGS Library staff use different methods in marketing of library services offered such as emails, social media tools such as face book, the library website, sign post, word of mouth, library newsletters, displays and library users visit the library in order to know about the its services. The study also shows that library staff faces a number of problems while marketing the library services to the users of the library and these were; Inadequate funds, lack of computers, inadequate information materials, small reading space. This shows a need for marketing guidelines which will ensure effective marketing of library services if the library acquires enough information materials for users, purchase of computers to support the marketing of the library via the internet, improving on the library's website, improving the quality of information products and services. The recommendations for the study were; use of an appropriate marketing approach, involvement of users in marketing of library services, promotion of current awareness services, offering of assistance services, improving the quality library services, training and educating the library users, organising events, and setting up a social media network.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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