Institutional Systems-Related Factors And Performance Of National Non-Governmental Organizations In Sudan: Acase Study Of Sibro


This study sought to examine the influence of institutional systems-related factors on the performance of national NGOs in Sudan with a particular focus on Sibro Organization. Specific emphasis was put on investigating the effect of financial management and human resources on organizational performance as well as establishing the relationship between strategic leadership and performance. The study applied a correlational research design in a case study involving both qualitative and quantitative approaches and tools of data collection and analysis to establish the relationship nature of the different variables. In total, the study surveyed 68 respondents and conducted 21 key informant interviews. The study targeted board of directors, senior managers, programme and support staff in addition to officials from Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC), international NGOs and donors. Both simple random and purposive sampling were used in the data collection process. Quantitative analysis involved means, frequencies, percentages and correlations. For qualitative data, themes and categories were generated through reading process; data was then compiled, analyzed, interpreted and later used in explaining findings of quantitative analysis. The findings revealed a positive significant relationship (0.61, sig=0.00) between financial management and organizational performance; (0.64, sig=0.00) between human resources and organizational performance; and (0.49, sig=0.00) between strategic leadership and organizational performance. Basing on these findings and others from key informant interviews, it was concluded that all of the different institutional systems factors were proved to affect organizational performance of Sibro. For improved performance, it is recommended that the organization improves its financial planning, accountability systems, monitoring and reporting. Moreover, special focus is also needed in reinforcing its human resources planning, staffing, developing, appraising and rewarding, in addition to the leadership and strategic planning.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2017


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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