
The study aimed at assessing the records management practices at Uganda Wildlife Authority, Head office Kampala. In order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness in the management of records at Uganda Wildlife Authority, the objectives of the study were: To assess the records management practices at Uganda wildlife authority, to Examine the types of records that are managed at Uganda wildlife authority, to determine the challenges faced in the implementation of proper records practices at Uganda wildlife authority, to propose and recommend proper records management practices at Uganda wildlife authority. The study adopted a case study design which helped to assess records management practices at UWA. A study population of 20 respondents provided data, An interview, observation and Document review were the methods used to collect data from the respondents. The research study found out that the records management practices at UWA include: records creation, records classification and indexing, records storage, retrieval of records, mail management, records inventory, records access, records appraisal and retention and records disposition, The study discovered that the types of records managed at UWA included; Administrative records, Legal Records, personnel, records and Financial Records. Further studies indicated that records at UWA are created manually and electronically through scanning, use of an email management system. The study further found out the challenges faced in the implementation of proper records management practices which included inadequate funds for records management, inadequate trained personnel, inadequate space and records management equipment. The study concluded that UWA would streamline records management practices to avert unauthorized access and unnecessary loss of records, misplacement of records misuse and inadequate security measures which is challenging the personnel in charge of records, UWA would depend largely on how its RMP are being implemented therefore proper records management should be emphasized. Lastly the study concluded that more efforts would be put into the use of electronic records practices this would help to overcome the challenge of no records disposal, records appraisal and inadequate space since there is accumulation of both archival and obsolete records. The study recommended that records staff should be provided with adequate trainining to ensure that they are able to undertake full responsibilities of records management, UWA should hire more trained records personnel to ensure efficiency and effectiveness, the study further more recommends that UWA should speed up the process of developing a records management policy so as to be able to manage the records in accordance with the policy and the law. The study recommended that the central registry should carryout digitization of records in order to reduce the volume of paper records and also save time, lastly the study recommends that enough funds should be allocated to the central registry so as to procure equipments for use in records management.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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