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study of chemistry to Cambridge IGCSE. The different chapters in this book are split up into short topics. At the end of many of these topics are questions to test whether you have understood what you have read. At the end of each chapter there are larger study questions. Try to answer as many of the questions as you can as you come across them because asking and answering questions is at the heart of your study of chemistry. Some questions in the style of Cambridge IGCSE examination papers are included at the end of the book. In many cases they are designed to test your ability to apply your chemical knowledge. The questions may provide certain facts and ask you to make an interpretation of them. In such cases, the factual information may not be covered in the text. To help draw attention to the more important words, scientifi c terms are printed in bold the fi rst time they are used. There are also checklists at the end of each chapter summarising the important points covered. As you read through the book, you will notice three sorts of shaded area in the text. that the book is divided into four different areas of chemistry: Starter, Physical, Inorganic and Organic chemistry. We feel, however, that some topics lead naturally on to other topics not in the same area. So you can, of course, read and study the chapters in your own preferred order and the colour coding will help you with this. The accompanying Revision CD-ROM provides invaluable exam preparation and practice. We want to test your knowledge with interactive questions that cover both the Core and Extended curriculum. These are organised by syllabus topic. Together, the textbook and CD-ROM will provide you with the information you need for the Cambridge IGCSE syllabus. We hope you enjoy using them.
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