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Online social interactions have become a way of life. Virtual meetings and chatting are now a large component of our social circles. These engagements have broken physical barriers and have made communication even more seamless and better. Sadly, these social interaction platforms haven't been much utilised in very many institutions, yet they come with loads of benets. This study is localised to Makerere University, but it's ndings are generalizable to most institutions and the solutions provided can be customized to the various places of need. In this study, we set out to understand the gap in the communication and interaction between the university, it's alumni and the students. Consequently, the main objective of this research project was to identify the information gap between the administration, alumni and students of Makerere University and thereafter devise solutions to this challenge. To fully understand the problem at hand, data collection techniques such as use of questionnaires, interviews, reviewing existing literature were used. Design methods such as process modelling, functional modelling and data modelling were used in the system analysis & design phase. The implementation was done with programming languages such as HTML5, CSS, PHP, JavaScript and their related frameworks such as jQuery and Bootstrap. The developed system bridges the gap between the dierent stakeholders by providing a platform of engagement for information sharing, fundraising for given causes, mentorship, real time tracking of projects and recognition for all the outstanding alumni.
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