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We live in a technological era with an increase of information accessible through hard copy or soft copy and there are over 18000 visually impaired children below the age of thirteen in Uganda alone. Most of these children do not have access to reading material like the non-visually impaired and most material available don‟t have braille translated versions. Our project aims at easing access to already available information in different languages and various formats by translating it to grade 1 and grade 2 braille. The purpose of this project is to develop a web application, Text-Braille Converter that converts English documents to grade 1 and grade 2 braille, native language documents to grade 1 braille and audios to grade 1 and grade 2 braille. Overall, this project study provides the visually impaired community with more diverse ways of converting already available information in various formats to a braille format they can utilize.

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Author: sempa ethan ian
Contributed by: asbat digital library
Institution: makerere university
Level: university
Sublevel: under-graduate
Type: dissertations