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This study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of wood and chicken manure on the growth and yield of sesame (Sesamum indicum). Specifically, it examined the wood ash and chicken manure on the growth response of sesame, the effect of wood ash and chicken manure on the prevalence of Sesame webworm, Phyllody disease and Alternaria Blight in Sesame and the effect of wood ash and chicken manure on the yield of sesame. A randomized complete block design with four treatments T1=5kg of wood ash, T2=5kg of chicken manure, T3= mixture of 2.5kg of chicken manure and 2.5kg of wood ash then T4= control, no treatment measuring 12.5 x 10 meters in length and width was established. These treatments were replicated 5 times. The experiment was set for two periods from August to December 2019and January to April 2020 corresponding to wet and dry seasons of production respectively, at Equator Valley Farm, Nkozi sub-county in Mpigi district. Growth, disease, pests and yield parameters were measured. ANOVA at 0.1%, 1% and 5% significance level was performed using GenStat 14 version. Chicken manure treatment produced a significant (p<0.001) effect on sesame plant height (34.6cm ), number of leaves per plant (82.3), number of branches (16.3), stem girth (3.2cm) and 50% flowering (40.1 days) than wood ash + chicken manure, wood ash and control. This was highly optimized in season two and week 8 when the plants had more access to sufficient plant nutrients and reached maturity. Chicken manure treatment registered significantly (p<0.001) lower Alterneria Blight incidence and severity, Phyllody disease incidence and severity and Sesame webworm incidence and damage respectively compared to wood ash + Chicken manure, wood ash and control. This was highly attributed to the presence of vital plant nutrients that include potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium responsible for inhibiting or creating tolerance to pests and diseases. Chicken manure treated produced significantly (p<0.001) higher number of capsules, seeds per capsules, however, a combination of wood ash + chicken manure produced significantly higher weight per 1000 seeds (3g) and yield per hectare (27.8 tonnes) compared to chicken manure (26.3 tonnes), control (23.8 tonnes) and wood ash (23.5 tonnes). These study findings generally showed that chicken manure treatment was more effective in influencing sesame growth and partially yield; the number of capsules, number of seeds per capsule, the weight of 1000 seeds, however, the yield per hectare was largely affected by a combination of wood ash + chicken manure. The influence of chicken manure on sesame growth was attributed to the abundance in macro and micronutrients but also the availability of water during the wet season that enabled the breakdown of these nutrients. A combination of wood ash + chicken manure provided addictive nutrients such as more potassium, boron, calcium, manganese which aid in yielding and pests and disease tolerance. Farmers are therefore advised to use chicken manure + wood ash to enhance plant growth and yield since it offered more crop protection from pests and diseases but also enhances growth and yield.

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Author: oyup daniel
Contributed by: asbat digital library
Institution: uganda martyrs university
Level: university
Sublevel: under-graduate
Type: dissertations