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Apiculture is one of the businesses which have not been widely explored in most parts of the western region of Uganda as very few households are engaged into this business. Therefore, the business intends to improve local health standards through the use of bee products such as honey. Honey has a lot of health benefits that is; it alleviates sore throats and colds especially to young children thus strengthening their immune system. Honey also promotes burn and wound healing. More so, honey is effective in treatment of diabetic foot ulcers, which are serious complications that can lead to amputation. Besides that, employment opportunities will be created through employing some workers in the region who will be helping to set up the beekeeping project. To this end, I have done detailed research and feasibility studies to help me achieve my business goals and objectives. From the feasibility study and the research l carried out I found out that I have all the requirements needed to set up the bee keeping project for example capital, land and labor since very few households are engaged in bee keeping that means that it will be an advantage for me to secure the market for the bee products. The THH enterprise will be involved in raising and harvesting bee products. I am in the bee keeping industry because I want to leverage on the vast opportunities (the widening demand-supply gap) available in the agriculture industry. This enterprise also aims at contributing to Uganda’s growth by immensely contributing to exportation earnings.
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