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The recess term started on 26th June 2017 and ended on 12th August 2017. The recess period introduced us as students to surveying as a profession. The different instruments that are employed in surveying work and also the fieldwork a surveyor does while out on various projects. As a student undertaking Land surveying and Geomatics, I was a fully-fledged participant in all the modules for this recess term. During this recess term, I undertook numerous practicals that form the basis for a surveyor’s manual. The modules which were done in the recess term included; 1. Introduction to survey equipments Under this model we had to acquaint ourselves with both the angular and distance measurement equipments. The following survey equipment and instruments were introduced theodolites both Optical and Electronic, automatic levels, leveling staff, Tripods, Ranging rods, Steel tapes, Nails and many others. 2. Engineering surveying  Two peg test  Leveling  Longitudinal and cross sections  Drawing of contour maps  Earthwork computations.  Curve ranging. 3. Cadastral surveying  Traversing  Resection  Intersection.  Setting out a plot of land  Opening up of boundaries  Plot subdivision. 4. Topographic surveying  Extending horizontal control  Extending vertical control  Use of tachometry to obtain data and use it to draw a topographic map 5. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Open Street Mapping (OSM)  Digitizing of satellite images  Attaching attributes to digitized parts of the map  Uploading digitized maps to open map layers like Open street Map 6. Geomatics Application Development  Developing map layers using an online platform.

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Author: kibenge shafic
Contributed by: asbat digital library
Institution: makerere university
Level: university
Sublevel: under-graduate
Type: reports